Thursday, 20 August 2015

Why Use a Hydrovac Truck?

Hydro excavation is virtually the only way of digging that's considered non-destructive by utilizing both pressurized water and a powerful vacuum system in order to safely and quickly expose infrastructures underground. To effectively get the job done right, special hydrovac trucks are used. They provide two primary components during the process:

  1. Super-pressurized jets of water are implemented to first loosen up the target material that's getting excavated.
  2. A high-powered vacuum hose then sucks out the water and material into a huge holding tank.
Basically, hydrovac trucks are used to unearth almost any kind of material that often needs dug up on a construction site, such as hard-packed play, gravel, sand, or ice.

Why Use a Hydrovac Truck?Hydrovac Edmonton

In today's world of environmental awareness and safety consciousness, hydrovac companies are fast becoming the 'go to' alternative in the construction industry due to the latest innovative technology it offers. Hydrovac trucks are a safe, minimally invasive option to traditional digging. Hydrovac excavation is completely safe when it comes to excavating and locating the threat from buried structures as well as a flexible option for eliminating material from sensitive or awkward areas, thereby leaving buried equipment, utilities, and plant matter undamaged and intact. Also, the hydrovac system is much faster than conventional hand digging. Overall, hydrovac trucks have the ability to get the job done right and in a safe, effective, cost-efficient manner. Hydrovac trucks provide secure excavation in order to greatly diminish the risk of potential accidents that may result in financial obligations, injuries, and even death. Because hydrovac trucks are able to dig in virtually all types of soil, including clay (with the help of onboard heaters), they offer a very practical way of excavating frozen ground. Hydrovac systems have the ability to excavate down as far as 60 feet along with distances of nearly 600 feet from the actual truck itself. This allows access to areas that would otherwise be limited.

Hydro Excavating 101

A stand-alone hydrovac truck that's fully equipped with a debris tank and water reservoir can literally suck the clay, earth, gravel, and stone right out of the ground in order to reveal what lies beneath. Because the technique is minimally invasive and non-destructive, it's safe and effective for the following uses:Hydrovac
  • Daylighting
  • Utility location
  • Slot trenching
  • Potholing
  • Backfill restoration
  • Coring

Hydro Truck Excavation History

Several advancements in terms of technology for hydro excavation were originally adapted and subsequently refined from numerous industrial scale type projects of the Northern Canadian sectors of both gas and oil. During the 70s and 80s era, sewer cleaners and modified vacuum trucks were adapted in order to use them as suction excavators. By the time the 90s rolled around, hydro excavation machines were in high demand for commercial use in addition to municipal and industrial use as well. However, it wasn't until after the year 2000 that the concept of hydro excavation was used on such a wide scale by top contractors across both U.S. and Canada. Overall, hydro excavating has a number of benefits over a more conventional digging approach, especially when working with sensitive infrastructures underground. By safely using pressurized water and commercial-strength vacuum suction, soil is liquefied and vacuumed directly into the truck. This approach is reliable, cost-effective, and safe, while keeping any underlying utilities out of harm's way and intact.

The above post Why Use a Hydrovac Truck? was first seen on


  1. Huh, I didn't even know you could excavate anything with the power of water. I bet that is something really cool to see in action and in motion! I wonder where I can go to see a hydrovac truck do its thing when excavating some dirt.

    1. Christopher, the information about excavation was also interesting to me. I imagine there is footage somewhere online of a hydrovac in action. I am sometimes so surprised by what we can do with machinery! Would this be useful for building a home?
